Thursday 12 November 2009

V (2009)

Last week saw the launch of the re-imagining and updating of V, the classic early 80's mini series, on American TV.

The premise of the original series was very simple. Aliens arrive offering peace and hope but with sinister motives. It is a story of resistance, as a rag-tag team of humans fight against the alien "invasion".

The original mini series, whilst very good, was definitely a product of its time and based firmly in the tradition of fear. There is the fear of the things that are not like us, of ways of doing things that are different to our own. Different philosophies, different cultures. Or to put it in the traditional way, fear of Communism.

For me, this is what the original V was about. The hidden menace of Communism. Communists can look like us but believe in things alien to us, and to work toward their own ends which are fundamentally opposed to our own. This is very much a 50's view but it does seem to resonate in the original series.

But that was then. We are now in 2009 and Communism was defeated by Capitalism. The Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall came crumbling down.

The new V is very stylish in design, but the basis of the original series is still there. We have the Visitors coming in peace and offering technological advancement in return for some natural resources which we have in abundance. The Visitors look like us, albeit very attractive, but we also know as an audience that beneath that attractive exterior lies something truly alien in nature.

The new series also works on the paranoia that was present in the original series, but just updated for a modern generation. In the first episode there are a lot of reveals. One of the chief ones is that The Visitors have not just arrived but they have been here for a while, working in the background and positioning themselves into position within Society.

It is this that leads to the paranoia. If this Visitors can look like us then who can you trust? If you do not know who you trust then all you can do is trust no one.

One of the main players on the human team is Erica, an FBI agent and therefore very much part of the establishment. However, from what she learns in the first episode she goes very much from being part of the establishment to being a loner within the machine, unable to trust anyone in case that person should turn out to be a Visitor in disguise.

Like BSG before it, the new V is not just a redoing of the original series. It takes the toolbox of the original series but it then puts a spin on it so that it fits into the modern world. Just like the original mini series was a product of its time, so the new series is a product of our times.

It will be interesting to see where it goes from here but I do think that we will be in for an enjoyable ride with it.

Who am I?

Another night time approaches when I should be preparing for bed but yet again I am feeling too wired to drift off to sleep. Sadly, this time I know the reason why.

I came to a realisation today about myself, and it is a realisation that I am not really happy with.

I used to be a very forgiving person. It was once commented by someone that was, at one point, rather close to be (or so I thought at the time) that I was like the Mother in the American QAF. There was a time when I would forgive anyone virtually anything. Forever forgiving of whatever trespass was made against me. I would just forgive and forget, and then move on as if nothing had happened.

Sadly, I do not think that I am that sort of person anymore. Maybe it is because I have been portrayed too many times in my life by people who I considered friends. People who held a special place in my life, people who I would do anything within my power for.

I was never really a man of means, but if I could I would try and help people out. Unfortunately, time and time again I was slapped in the face. I suppose, when you have been hurt too many time, when you have had your friendship thrown back in your face, you do become less forgiving.

And this is the depressing part for me. I never wanted to be this sort of person. I was happy being the forgiving sort, the sort of person who would forgive thoughtless actions and the self-centred nature of others.

Maybe it is just because the trust that I would freely place in people, a trust that they would treat me with the same level of respect that I treat them with, as been misplaced too many times in the past.

I have known for a while now that I find it hard to trust people, and that I try to keep myself safe by guarding myself from others. This is also something that I never wanted to be but this is where I find myself at this time in my life.

If I was being honest with myself I know that this is the reason why I have chosen to remain single for so long. Yeah, there have been opportunities in the past when I could have attempted to build a relationship. But I have held back, mainly because I do not want to be hurt by someone who is close to me, someone that I have grown to love and care for.

I am reminded of Mary Sunshine from Chicago the Musical. She would see "a little bit of good in everyone" and this is definitely something that I would do. However, in doing this I would allow myself to become blinded to that persons self-centred agendas. Maybe it is because I used to be so self-less that I never saw that others were just looking after themselves and their own self-interests.

It is probably wrong that when I meet someone who shows an interest in me and my life that my thought is about what their agenda is - what it is that they want from me. I am not sure when I stopped thinking that people would just want to know me for who I am - no edge, no hidden agenda.

Maybe I never did think that in the first place, after all that would mean accepting that I was someone special rather than someone that just had something that someone else wanted. It is not without reason that I usually refer to myself as being "just this guy, you know". I am nothing special, and if people say that I am I just do not see it.

There are so many people who are better than me. If I was to go through aspects that are me I would no doubt point to an handful of people who are better than me. I do not excel at what I do. I am just me, just this guy.

Something happened today, something which I am not going to go into details about, and this event as sparked a chain of thought which leads me to where I am now - the realisation that I am no longer the person what I was, no longer the person that I liked myself being, no longer the person who could easily forgive transgressions again me.

This is not a place that I like to be and I know that I need to turn this situation around. I just hope that it is possible to do so. I hope that it is possible to trust again. I hope that it is possible to get back my faith in the kindness of others. I hope it is possible to learn to forgive the slights from others who only seem interested in their own desires, their own agendas. I hope it is possible to learn to love again, even if this means that I leave myself open to hurt.

It is that time again, that Desperate Hour that I mentioned yesterday. I just hope that sleep will not be a strangers for much longer because I need to start processing the day rather than just allowing myself to dwell on those events.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

That Dangerous Hour

Well, it is coming up to 01:45 in the morning and my brain is wired, so wired that I cannot not sleep. This is never a good thing.

I used to refer to this as "The Dangerous Hour", and with very good reason. It is that hour where the majority of your peers are asleep, where silence descends all around you, and you are left with your thoughts. And that is the dangerous part.

Have you ever let your mind just wander? To just drift from one thing to another? Have you ever dared to see where such thought experiments can lead you? It is something that I have always been wary of now for a while, just laying in bed in silence and allowing my mind to wonder aimlessly like the proverbial cloud.

I do not mind it doing it via dreams since that is just the processing of the daily events, the endless sorting and arranging and the putting together of patterns unseen. Dreaming can be a wonderful process mechanism.

I have, for a while now, always avoided "The Dangerous Hour". In fact, my sleep pattern is usually very good, with sweet oblivion embracing me very quickly once my head hits the pillow. If I need a little encouragement then I will read, or listen to some music. It usually works.

But not tonight. Tonight I know that whilst the body may well be willing, my mind remains wired.

And it would be tonight. Tomorrow (well I say tomorrow as a matter of habit since I clearly mean today) is going to be a busy day. I allowed myself a day of rest today, a day of doing nothing, to help recharge the batteries, and moved some of the stuff that I could have done today onto tomorrow.

Tomorrow I need to purchase some luggage for Friday. I need to do washing so that I can pack on Thursday in preparation for Newcastle this weekend. I am then meeting friends for possibly a light shop (I am thinking maybe some jumpers), coffee, and fine conversation and company. I know it does not seem like much but I was hoping for an early start so that I could spread it out over the day.

But it is now nearly two o'clock and still no sign of sleep coming to me. Still my mind wants to race away. Maybe I should let it. See where it leads me, what dangerous ground it wants to cover during this early hour.

I should apologise for rambling so. I know that this is probably not an entertaining read. Have you even got to this part of the post? I personally would not blame you if you have already given up by now.

Well, I am going to return to my bed and hope for oblivion to arrive quickly. Maybe it will and I will awake refreshed in six hours time, ready to face the day and get done what needs to be done.

Who knows.

Like the saying goes, only time will tell.

Sunday 8 November 2009

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre

I have just got back from the Lass O'Gowrie where they were holding their monthly comedy night.

It was a fairly enjoyable night. The first comedian was rather good, with a blend of observational humour with a rather intellectual bent to it. The second act was a rather standard "over weight bloke takes piss out of himself" comedian, which seemed to me to be an almost male Jo Brand. Third up was Charlie Ross, who I have seen several times at conventions up and down the country. It was nice to see the linking material that is usually not included in his convention turn, and so it was nice to see a more rounded routine this time.

Last up, and the subject of this entry, was The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre. Now, how to describe this act. It is basically a classic double act, that happens to be sock puppets. And it was hilarious. I cannot remember the last time that I have laughed so much and for such a sustained period of time.

The sock puppets bitch at each other, and also perform songs (with hilarious effect). The humour had topical content which is always good to see since it means that the act is being kept fresh and up to date. We were also treated to a tribute to musicals, including hilarious results from the audience suggestions of musicals to do.

The comic genius behind The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre is Kev Sutherland. Looking back on the experience I can only marvel at the way that he performed a very well written routine. It takes a special talent to not only get two sock puppets to act like a double act, but to also deliver the split second banter on top of that was nothing short of amazing.

If you ever get the chance to experience them live then I heartedly recommend it. I doubt that you will be disappointed.

If you are not able to see them, then check out the Tube of You which as some very funny takes on certain genre tv shows.